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This poem is about my frustrations growing up in Los Angeles County.  I set up Reagan as my nemesis and treat him coldly.  He's the former president that emptied out mental institutions and made the War on Drugs the War on Colored People and for this I hold a lot of anger and hatred for him.  That said, I moved on to bigger and better things because my youth taught me the limits and shortcomings of humanity.  Today, our prisons are filled with Reagan's lost souls and those folks resisting a force of oppression.  


Looks like you
Loved me:
You wanted
Me to get 
Full on
Jelly Beans.
But let's say
You loved me,
Why was crack
Served together
With my milk and
I'm a city
Kid from the 80's and
Reagan, you had me 
At good-bye.  
               I loved how you called me dirt-
               Immigrant dirt.
Reagan, please listen:
I wish you good riddance
And a happy death
I hope hell is
Your new home.
I promise
To send you jelly beans.

10/15/2013 02:06:05 am

The problem with singling out Reagan for his policies is the fact that agency exists and that the oppressed fight back. To counteract agency society has built a prison system that grooms a proleteriat. My call is for revolution to grow out of this demeaning and dehumanizing set-up.


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    Selim Bouhamidi Sketches: Selim's blog. 
    Who am I?  
    Writer and thinker, Urban Planner and Anthropologist.  Lover of sports, movies, and music.  Had to get lost a couple of times to find my way but I am home every step I take.    

    What are sketches?
    These are sketches, portraits, graceful words about the grace all around us.  I want to show you this world through my eyes.  These are all working pieces because I am a work in progress or constantly working.  These aren't meant to be perfect.  Sometimes I write out every emotion I have even if they mess with my readers.  I am who I am.  These are the thoughts that keep me up at night.

    I love Magpie and J.


    October 2013
    September 2013
    August 2013

