Building a sustainable future.
Managing social relationships.
Recognizing resources needed.
Keeping the power-hungry at bay.
Creativity in design and urban form.
Expedited service.
​Navigating bureaucracy.
Access to help for drug abusers.
Access to entertainment.  No more those that got get and those that don't got don't get.
How to connect the people that know how to take advantage of others with the people that know how to take care of others so that they can locate and provide help.
How to make communities thrive and work hard.
Reducing lobbyist.  Taking all of the goody bags, selling the contents and raising money for the poor and hungry.  
Peaceful encounters between police and citizen population.  Police shootings do not just frightened the people that do wicked who are already on a crash course for disaster.  They frighten every day people.  How to make broken windows work for everyone.  How to give access to statistics on all things without relying on a stupid phone,
The built environment and the social good.
What is the urban form of the 21st Century.
How to learn from the wealthiest 1 percent of the population and how to tap into their monetary resources.  Giving tax cuts to the middle class who live so badly striving to keep up with others.
Public-Private Partnerships.

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    Selim Bouhamidi Sketches: Selim's blog. 
    Who am I?  
    Writer and thinker, Urban Planner and Anthropologist.  Lover of sports, movies, and music.  Had to get lost a couple of times to find my way but I am home every step I take.    

    What are sketches?
    These are sketches, portraits, graceful words about the grace all around us.  I want to show you this world through my eyes.  These are all working pieces because I am a work in progress or constantly working.  These aren't meant to be perfect.  Sometimes I write out every emotion I have even if they mess with my readers.  I am who I am.  These are the thoughts that keep me up at night.

    I love Magpie and J.


    October 2013
    September 2013
    August 2013

