Revolution is real but elusive like a comet flying so close.  If revolution existed it would be like the folds from that big stack of cash by the dresser about to be taken.  It is so close but any fool can just take it away like another one's life.  Revolution is life until your dying breath.  Revolution is like the lift from a finger on a trigger begging for this pain to go away.  Revolution is the minute that the clock winds down and shackles are shed.  It is the thought that comes after taking it all in.  It is the quench of thirst after a harrowing walk.  This second will pass and tomorrow will come.  The revolution has not been interrupted.  It has only been sleeping in the weary hearts of those millions and millions of people who have fallen to the ground.  The ground is the floor level.   It is the launching place, the stirring in one’s brain that causes revolution to take hold and liberation to begin*.

I am a revolution interrupted.  I am a revolution in progress.  I am a work in progress.  My life work is the liberation and uplifting of humanity as a collective.  I will not stop until a revolution takes hold of me - in all of us.  I will not stop until a revolution dissolves and reforms.  I will not stop until every person walking and driving and messaging and breathing has heard the word.  The word is that revolution begins with your thoughts and translates into your actions.  The revolution begins with oneself and one's thought process.  Man is not greater than woman because he has a size advantage and so forth.  No one belongs to any one else except by violence which rules the day and so forth.  Every thing you have ever thought is a product of a power structure which puts things into place according to the differences needed to divide and manipulate keeping resources in the hands of a few people.  There is some hope but we are at square one as money prevails every step of the way.  We cannot escape the grasp that money has on us.

Every person walking this earth is thirsting for knowledge and stories.  This revolution is human, humanitarian, and humanistic.  This revolution will not go away because you flipped a channel or clicked on a keyboard.  This revolution is all the antipathy and bloodshed before you every day whether you choose to hear and see the gory details or not.  This revolution is not a free ride.  It is work.  It is hard.  It is treacherous.  It is freedom.  I write this in the quiet of my room when all is still and the stresses of life have not taken hold of me penetrating into my heart and mind.  The revolution is an act of kindness and an act from out of the blue.

Capitalism is an unstable source of all that we consume and live and die for.  Capitalism translates into our social interactions and the places that we inhabit.  The spatial element of Capitalism cannot be dismissed.  Capitalism orders space and translates into the dimensions and spaces that we use on a daily basis - in how we produce and reproduce spaces from work to home to movie theaters.  Capitalism is unstable.  It is never sound and whole and that’s one of the key reasons it’s so prevailing - it changes and adapts so swiftly to mimic a person's natural inclination to adapt.  It creates spaces of power which can be inhabited by anyone who chooses to venture towards these positions.  The power structure can easily be filled and emptied out.  Capitalism is all-pervasive.  It is the setting for our lives whether we like it or not.  

The revolution is not simply picking up a gun and spouting slogans to shed ourselves from Capitalism.  Capitalism will always be.  Social movements like past agrarian-based Marxist revolts are incomplete revolutions.  Capitalism is firmly entrenched but is being threatened although it will not dissolve in whole.  When structure of power falls it creates vacuums but be cautious because when power is overthrown, a new power emerges in its place thirsting to keep that power in place so that the powerful can keep driving those fancy cars and the working masses can continue scrambling for change in their couch cushions.

A revolution is far-fetched as I see it today but not a pipe dream.  It will take those scrambling around with violence in their hearts to find out who they are truly fighting.  They are fighting something bigger than their little nation, block and so forth but they do not know what**.  Will revolution grow in the hearts and minds of working people?  How many trays of water must be filled, how many necks to be measured and sized, how many drinks to be filled, and plates of food be thrown away before we say enough?  Enough is staying on your feel all day in wait for a fifteen minute breather.  Enough is going to school and wondering if it will be your last day on Earth.  Enough is taking your wallet and all of its contents and realizing that without them you can’t live.  Enough is enough and revolution is a continuous dream to shout down.

*Every era begins and ends but never does it vanish simply because time is treated as if it is linear.  All of the struggles that have happened before have happened since.  My interest is not in with what has happened in a distant past.  I am enamored with what will come next.  Stories are the only conduit we have of an era bygone.  Because I was born in 1979 does not mean that I am forbidden from feeling the pressing calls for liberation that were echoed by freedom fighters from the 1960s.  These eras are so minute in the large historical scheme of humanity.  What is vast is the divides that take us back and forth in dizzying arrays to shape our minds.  Please do not tell me a story that doesn’t include me as if it's impossible for me to empathize.  

**All I can tell you about war is that it brings out the worst in society.  
10/8/2013 08:43:31 am

Yeah, I pretty much lost my shit on this post. These are ideas forming in my brain and I posted this as a piece to work on as I develop as a writer. It's kind of a workshop. This blog is a workshop. I'm trying to do things differently. Call it a "Dif'rent Mind State".

10/10/2013 06:28:30 am

I cleaned up my piece. It's still crazy and raw and unfiltered but it's a launching point for my thoughts and these are basic ideas that I've formed years ago.


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    Selim Bouhamidi Sketches: Selim's blog. 
    Who am I?  
    Writer and thinker, Urban Planner and Anthropologist.  Lover of sports, movies, and music.  Had to get lost a couple of times to find my way but I am home every step I take.    

    What are sketches?
    These are sketches, portraits, graceful words about the grace all around us.  I want to show you this world through my eyes.  These are all working pieces because I am a work in progress or constantly working.  These aren't meant to be perfect.  Sometimes I write out every emotion I have even if they mess with my readers.  I am who I am.  These are the thoughts that keep me up at night.

    I love Magpie and J.


    October 2013
    September 2013
    August 2013

